What is the real meaning of fashion? Who created
In a world full of stereotypes and prejudice, it’s hard to find what is acceptable or even possible to do if you are being different. It is one of the most important elements of our society today, so people have been struggling with how to make themselves stand out from everyone else by just trying to be who they are and not wanting to be seen as something “different”. Fashion has always evolved through the years and changed in trends and looks. Over time, there’ve been many different types of fashions. Some say that because of fashion, people have lost their identities and forgotten what makes them unique. This article will explain why this might be true for some, but isn’t just as good because it gives insight into those who don’t understand where their creativity comes from. And why is everything so different now versus just about two or three generations ago?
s="MsoBodyText">The history of fashion can provide us with an understanding of what makes the fashion we see in today.For example, when women used to wear dresses, it wasn’t until after World War II and the men wore their jeans. Women began to realize the importance of fashion and started wearing more comfortable dresses to make sure they would feel comfortable. When people first came up with the idea of modern fashion, it was a rebellion against what other societies in the past did. We wanted things we couldn’t afford before like jewelry and clothing. You couldn’t look your best yet if you were too poor, which explains why during World Wars 2, many women stopped focusing on fashion.
The change in world is also evident in the way fashion became popular in the early 1800s.
People weren’t allowed to show what they had then, and clothes had to fit a certain way in order, so many clothes weren’t made from natural materials like cotton and wool. During this time period, people relied on their wealth and status to prove what was cool, so they didn’t care about what others thought. Nowadays, you will find high-end brands and styles that aren't only expensive to own but also worth a lot of money. Even though the changes in the economy and social structures are making people realize what they need, there still seems to be an unspoken fact that everyone sees what’s cool and believes it’ll always last. So, they try to give other people more than what is available in the market right now and try to impress them by dressing differently than them. As for what happens to fashion? How people dress and act is very subjective. But, in general, how much power does the media give to fashion? That’s how you can tell it if you put yourself under the same pressure and pressure to look like one of your favorite celebrities.
With all these facts to back up how fashion can change over time, let’s talk about what fashion means. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, fashion is “the art or practice of putting together an item of clothing, typically fashionable, in such an imaginative, original and attractive manner as to communicate the spirit of the individual wearer of the item.”
In simpler terms, fashion is the process of style and appearance; without any doubt,
From the clothes we wear to what we think should look great, fashion is something to take note of. And how do we make ourselves stand out against society’s standards. To know for instance, it’s pretty crazy to see that fashion designers have become famous throughout the ages. If one looks at the history of fashion, it shows that they have had years of experience when creating new ideas of what should be and shouldn't be dressed. Their idea was to not wear these types of items and follow the traditional rules of things. While looking back on all the previous fashion ideas and opinions and the influence other cultures had, it doesn’t mean that they wanted to ruin all of it. They wanted things that looked better and made them feel comfortable. People want to associate themselves with someone of a higher place, or a higher status; they want to associate them with a higher level of existence. By wearing what makes you feel comfortable, you will become more respected and accepted within society.
Now let’s talk about my point: how people are judging each other.
Whether it’s the fact that I dress the way I want to, how well-dressed I am, or how much money I have. Those are just all examples of factors that are taken into consideration once you come to see my shoes and not when seeing something made from beautiful ingredients. As humans, we crave a sense of uniqueness and we judge others based on how we are portrayed by others. This is completely false and can be harmful to the people around you if done incorrectly, especially when you’re the type of person who has the ability to pick out if someone is lying or not. Therefore, no matter what people think because they are going to hear it from others, it’s a lie because everyone will hear. Also, you shouldn't judge somebody because they aren't doing as well in life as you or any normal human being.
Everybody does things in different ways and you shouldn’t judge that or judge somebody for anything.
Just being like that won’t help anybody to get anywhere because every day is another day and life should never be judged unless they deserve it. There is nothing wrong with living the things you want to, but people should stop saying, "you're not happy," or "you're dissatisfied." Because, that's just an opinion. However, if you were to judge other people just because they aren't living the life they really want, then a whole group of people who are unhappy might eventually end up as upset and frustrated as us. After all, happiness as we understand it today might not exist tomorrow. Maybe because of our current state of knowledge and technology, we haven’t reached the age of AI, maybe because of our ignorance, maybe because of bad luck. Whatever the case might be, that doesn’t make it right. No matter why being different is considered negative, that shouldn’t change the fact that you are beautiful in every way. Especially if you’re wearing a nice dress, holding a decent title, and having a large amount of money. Just be yourself and live the life you want to live.